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Sunday, September 28, 2008

There was a spate of articles in the papers recently about how ‘indecent’ the salaries were of religious group leaders, and their involvement in businesses. You can read here, here and here.

For better or worse, the conduct of various charities and religious organisations have been put under the microscope because of the NKF scandal. Most recently, we saw how the CEO of Ren Ci Hospital, the Venerable Shi Ming Yi, was accused of misusing donations. The need for charities to be above-the-board, whiter-than-white in their wheeling and dealing is a must, since they are using public funds. And, for the longest of time, they were operating with very little oversight or questioning by the public till the NKF scandal opened the can of worms.

Now, with news of mega churches involved in businesses, I suspect another round of questioning will arise. “As poor as the church mouse”, goes the idiom. Obviously, it doesn’t really hold true today. However, is it right for the public to expect religious (all religions, not just Christianity) leaders to be ‘poor’, or at least appear to be poor? Is it fair?

People like to quote ‘money is the root of all evil’, without realising they are actually mis-quoting the Bible. Actually, it reads ‘For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.’ (1 Timothy 6:10) Money in itself is amoral. But, when greed comes into the picture, problem arise. If you examine the recent scandals we have with charities, essentially it is a problem of greed.

Too much money is a problem. On the other hand, too little money is a problem. One of the letters to the forum quoted (again) from the Bible of the example of the Levites. The Levites were supposed to be the priests to the people of Biblical Israel. While the Levites looked after the spiritual well-being of the Israelites, in return the Israelites look after the physical well-being of the Levites. The Levites were forbidden to own any riches. The writer to the forum implored the religious leaders to follow the example of the Levites and be poor.

Do you think the writer has a point? Is it feasible?


7:17:00 PM

Friday, September 26, 2008

Week's been pretty exciting... Thankfully, I've been spared from the humdrum that has plagued 18/19 year old students as they hit revision top-gear in what is arguably the most demanding and rigorous curriculum: The GCE "A" Levels.

Oh bother, the monotony of mugging.
I'm just not cut out for mugging. I have the attention span of a cockroach. Shucks..

You see, I very nearly pulled off a "Hwa Chong" Round 2 on board service number 157 towards Boon Lay.
This time round  however, instead of the bus driver, I was the unfortunate target of a pugnacious, wrinkly cretin bearing some semblance of a middle-aged chinese male.
I would have assaulted him if I wasn't in uniform.

His truculence got me on the defensive at first but it soon gave way to unbridled fury...

I was visibly shagged after P.E ("Crawled" 28 rounds under the scorching hot,overhead sun as punishment for being defiant to the teacher. He's just jealous I'm younger, faster and better-looking than him.) so I'm certain I did
NOTHING to invoke the ire of the unreasonable beast.

Just as I plonked myself on the seat, he shouted : "WHY!" at me.
Everyone onboard fell silent, averting their eyes away from the brouhaha.

Quizzically, I asked him : "Huh, what why?"

"Why?! You shut up,you.. Shut your lip",  bellowed the buffoon.

At this point, I was feeling indignant. So I stared him straight in the eye but said nothing.

He smirked.

I smiled devilishly. And shot him a hostile glare.

With that, puny limbs sprouted from his deformed torso, reaching for his cheap umbrella.
My suspicions of him being speech-impaired were confirmed when he mumbled rather incoherently about giving me a good beating 10 times over?

I goaded him on by showing him this:

Why show one middle finger when you can show
FIVE?! Hahaha...
Yeah, I really did that. But not with the furrowed brows of course!

Wah damn tu-lan man! My blood boils at the mere recollection of the events. Shan't continue anymore..

Anyway, on a brighter note... I've gotten a laptop. It's Acer; I hope it won't die on me...
And a pair of bloody expensive spectacles which costs half the price of the laptop!!! (No, not Oakley though I very much wanted one for the longest time ever. But my face shape is not suited for their frames :( aww. )


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9:36:00 PM

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A man walks into a bar and says, "Hey, bartender, I'll bet you fifteen bucks I can bite my eye." 

The bartender says, "You're on." 

So the man pulls out his glass eye and bites it. 

Then, the man says, "I'll bet you twenty-five bucks I can bite my other eye." 

The bartender thinks, there is no way this guy has two glass eyes. So he says to the man, "Ok, you're on." 

So, the man pulls out his dentures and bites his eye with them. 

The bartender says, "Man, you're good." 

Three hours later, the man comes back and says, "I'll give you a chance to win your money back. See that shot glass on the other end of the bar? I'll bet you a hundred fifty bucks I can piss in it from here and not miss a drop." 

The bartender says, "Ok". 

So, the man unzips his pants starts peeing, and there's pee flying everywhere. None of it goes in the glass. The bartender is all happy and says, "You owe me a hundred and fifty bucks!" 

The man says, "Ok, but see that man over there? I bet him $350 that I would piss all over your bar and you'd be happy."

I laughed out loud at this one. Insanely hilarious!!


3:32:00 PM

Monday, September 22, 2008

Riding high on the crescendo of the previous post, Justin decided to continue with a slew of random/ramdon/rmadno (come up with your own other permutations, you lazy ass) blog posts and at the same time, live his childhood dream of being a famous talk-show host like Oprah Winfrey sans the dark complexion and curly,curly hair. Therefore, that would make him a White with rebonded hair.

He has apparently been tagged to give 20 random facts about himself but here's a twist.. instead of just dishing out 20 random facts, he would let you ask him absolutely
anything that you want to know and he shall have to give his honest answer.

But I'm only going to reply the first 20 questions. I'll sort of compile the set of questions and reply them all in a separate post. Hurry, 'cause I'd extended the same invitation on my blog based in my school's network. But I'm extending it over to YOU my church friends and some of my other pals whom I know read my posts but don't bother leaving their online footprint behind.

Bombard me with your burning questions


4:50:00 PM

Friday, September 19, 2008

I've been getting Sufficient Sleep(8 full hours baby! + a 16 hour "nap" 2 days ago), SPH sent me my cheque today(Work of the Barest Minimum with pretty decent payout), I've had 2 consecutive Good Hair Days, I am ONLY 105 DOLLARS AWAY FROM NOT OWING MYSELF MONEY and I get to lie on my bed and do nothing but listen to The Winner Takes It All by ABBA
on repeat for as long as I want without having to do Anything(This is my current favorite song. Kill me I’m retrosexual). Life is pretty peachy, I've been doing nothing but hang out, chillax, Meet For Tea and read scarily good children's books by Neil Gaiman(Genius, end of story) I have assorted plans to do Nothing and Go Out over the next few days, and on Monday, I'm going to tan at the beach with Bel(By that I mean she cowers under a straw hat and apply sunblock liberally and obsessively every 40 minutes.) and everything is going to be Alright, until Wednesday that is.

..And I'm also gonna flunk my prelims quite spectacularly.Seriously, Karma is going to bite me in the ass, and then who knows what. AHHHH STUDY DAMMIT. STUDY. And it's not like I actually dislike ANY of the subjects I take, I LOVE LOVE LOVE THEM ALL. Yes, even you Mathematics. (Seriously, if I hear another person say, "You've worked hard, you'll get what you deserve." or "Don't worry, you always do fine." I will poke your rectum with A TWIG. Those phrases aren't comforting, at all. Mostly because I don't study, I just get lucky, and it sounds like a warning, like all 'Oooooh THIS IS WHAT YOU GET FOR NOT STUDYING, YOU ARE GOING TO FAILLL!!

Yeah the prelims didn't go so good. I literally sacrificed Everything for Geography, I completely neglected everything but, if I don't manage to somehow pass, I honestly don't know how I'm going to react. It was pretty horrific, I don't know how I managed to survive the long drawn-out torture of Preparing for the Next Paper Under the Time Constraint of One Day, You Brought This Upon Yourself, Die A$%&@!* Die, but somehow I did. Honestly, if I didn't have awesome friends, I would have had a brain hemorrhage. Thanks for entertaining my last minute "Hi, my paper is in 4 hours and I don't know Anything. Help?" calls.Looking back, it was a bit...excessive I suppose.

Though as it gets closer to Wednesday and My Results...(Oh yeah, I had a Horrible Nightmare involving a chainsaw wielding maniac who wanted to sever my legs and my teacher telling me I did Terribly for GP. It's a sign, I'm expecting the worst though, I felt pretty shit after the GP paper, and I always seem to screw up when it counts).Eh, yesterday was pretty strange, I met Joan(I've met you so many times, I'm sick of you already) and we somehow managed to have an embarrassingly loud argument regarding something completely retarded like A Straw, and ownership of said straw, in front of a waitress who looked suitably amused. Yeah and of Course Joan HAD to smooth it over and Look Mature - "Oh, I am so sorry you had to witness that! But could we have another straw?" "Yes of course, so now you two won't have to fight anymore.*snigger snigger*"

Yes, this is a last minute panic ZOMGWTFBBQ post. I need my bolster and an anal-retentive, control-freak type friend to call me up and yell at me(anyone?). I literally have no self-control.I MEAN I AM ONLINE, LISTENING TO ABBA; TRYING TO GET INTO MAMAMIA MOOD.

I abuse parentheses hahaha


4:12:00 PM

Saturday, September 13, 2008

I'm starting to get very detached from friends. Things aren’t quite the same way it once was anymore, slowly we’re all going on to live our own separate lives. A life that doesn’t include either one of us in it. Or maybe its just me.

I miss my friends, I miss my classmates, I miss the buddies I played soccer with, I miss those random people I’d always bump into at school and greet with a hi.. I miss you! But somehow, I just can't seem to bring myself to save what we’re about to lose.

Rarely do I ever express the way I truly feel about matters closest to my heart. I can openly share my opinions (In fact, I'm known to be conceitedly dogmatic!) but I'm extremely reserved emotionally.. Well the truth is, it saddens me how we’re drifting. I don’t feel a part or connected anymore..

It's like our relationship is now merely a status. But I’ve only myself to blame. Never have I really taken much of an effort to reciprocate your genuine attempts and initiative at maintaining the friendship.

In a way, I’ve always taken it for granted. I’ve never been that friend to you the way you’ve been for me. You might have already given up trying to salvage whatever bond we once shared, you might have moved on with a new purpose, new friends, new life.

I am ashamed to say I lack the courage to do anything about matters. But to you, my friend.. I just want to say that I really miss the times we spent and the memories we had together. And yes, I am writing this to you.

All of you.


11:46:00 AM

Saturday, September 06, 2008

I read an interesting article in The Straits Times a while back, and it has always been at the back of my head ever since. It seems that, not just in Singapore but also everywhere in the world, people are thumbing their noses at Plato and thumbing through books by Planck.

Do you think that, in today’s society, we do not really have to care what the humanities (philosophy, sociology, political science, literature etc…) have to tell us? Rather, we should care about what the sciences can tell us because they help us to get rich? Yep, no one gets rich studying philosophy…

A constant question that I ask when talking about education is ‘What is the purpose of education?’ No doubt, studying useful subjects like engineering and medicine will help us to make tons of money. However, without the study of humanities, we lose what makes us human.

A lot of the sciences we study today originated from the study of humanities. One of the examples I love to quote is Rene Descartes (he of the “I think, therefore, I am” quotation). It was in his writings on the topic of rationality and the need for pure reasoning that the branch of mathematics - Cartesian coordinates, came from. Adam Smith, the famous author of the ‘Wealth of Nations’ which most of our modern economic theories come from, was first and foremost a philosopher, not an economist. His book “Wealth of Nations” was written to address the lack of inequality in society and how society can solve it. If we are to discard the study of humanities, won’t we also be discarding the potential insights that some thinker will come up with about the world?

However, Man being ever so practical, seems to treat the study of humanities as 2nd-rate. In Singapore, we are no better. Based on anecdotal evidence, it would seem that the NUS Arts Faculty is attracting top students to the faculty in recent years. Not that suddenly these straight-A students like to know what Shakespeare said, but because the Department of Economics is there. It seems that parents want their Ah Huay and Ah Huats to become the next chairman of Citicorp.. Practical bunch of people they are, our parents.

The study of sciences tells us what the world is like. The study of humanities tells us what we are. We can’t do without either of them.

“Ignorance, the root and the stem of every evil.” said Plato. Tell me what you people think.


6:58:00 PM

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

What is fidelity and monogamy? Is it truly possible for humans to be monogamous creatures? Or have we been so deluded by our so called "superior" existence? Are we, when it comes down to it, the same as animals? Is it in our make up to move from person to person, to mate, and to re-populate? Is that the basic and baser instinct we all carry in us?

Words like fidelity and monogamy, these concepts are after all, inventions of the "civilised" human race. Much like other moral values, for example, honesty and integrity, that are ingrained in us since birth, should fidelity not be adhered to as closely as well?

Personally, I would never be tempted to cheat. Being with someone else, while I'm in a relationship with someone I feel strongly for, would just feel wrong to me. It's simply not possible. But then, that's me. Is it the same for other people? Have they been affected by these ingrained ideals of superiority?

That temptation is second nature to the human race is disappointing, I suppose. How many times have we heard the phrase, "I'm human, after all"? When someone cheats on you, is it something you should take personally, or is it something that should be expected of us, as human? Human weaknesses..

Is fidelity an ideal that we have invented to justify our claim as the superior species? Have I been bound by this potentially useless idealistic view? After all, if monogamy is a moral code, why do dozens break this standard we set for ourselves every single day?

Maybe love, fidelity, good and evil, and dozens of other moralistic views are just inventions of the civilised world. Maybe when we come down to it, we are nothing but mere beasts set loose on earth.

Dear pal, I hope this is thought-provoking enough for you.. At least to formulate some soul searching answers of your own :)

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11:39:00 AM