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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Life is full of contradictions. You believe that you have a way of thinking but you behave differently. Yes, my life and probably yours too - is really weird.. Sometimes, a lot of things dont seem to make sense.

Allow me to cite some examples.. for one, I hate smokers! I can't conceive why people would smoke to harm their health just to look cool. So what if you say it soothes your nerves, some even say it helps them to run faster (Zz I pwn them anyway..) I say it freezes your system functions and you’re a nuisance with your second hand smoke.

But then again, as much as some of us might complain about these annoying smokers, the contradiction lies in the fact that we practically get ourselves exposed to loads of fumes from public transport every single day.

I eat alot and don't get fat. My definition of a lot is 2-3 meals per sitting and a total of about 9 meals a day, not including snacks. Weirdly, when I consume lesser food, I get even fatter. Hence, I have resorted to eating more to slim down.

I love to be kept busy, having things in my hand just calms my soul. I believe that by being busy, I have purpose in life. However, every time I get bogged down with work, I'll then take on an extremely stoned state and just grudgingly complete whatever shit that is thrown at me..

For most part of the time, I’d just become a mindless soul bent on completing my task. And during moments when I don't have any work to do.. I’ll complain that my tutors dont assign enough work..!

Still, i'm without a doubt.. the ultimate king of procrastination.

I'm a geek in the sense that I keep myself updated with the IT world but yet I don't go about seeking gadgets to amuse myself, just the occasional necessary musings to fiddle about with.

I seek to have a personality of my own by having my own style but can't seem to find a formula. I don’t know who or what is the real me sometimes.. Maybe I emulate too much of what i see..

I tend to talk a lot in front of strangers, just to make them comfortable.. but when I'm in a crowd and just a lone figure, I will dilute to the background. I’ll be the most anti-social guy ever, simply refusing to participate in any social activity..

I talk about being flexible and spontaneous with my thinking but I have this weird obsession of planning and having a "what to do next list" in my mental conscience. Its like, my impromptu-ness is actually an action that was already running through my head..

I reckon i'm just a walking contradiction who confuses even myself! It seems that my subconscious mind is lost in transition from adolescence to maturity, or insanity..


12:36:00 PM

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I learnt a really important lesson today:
Never laugh at someone no matter how retarded they might look or sound doing something.

So then I was off to the hawkercentre to buy dinner and this happened...

I crossed path with this Indian man who had his ears jacked with headphones blasting music. Hilarious bit was the fact that he was singing out loud whatever he was tuned in to, but it sounded like Britney Spears (THAT bad!)..

Trust me, I can really go on writing all day about people who contribute to noise pollution by singing out loud (horribly) while listening to their music, totally oblivious to the stares they're getting. I’d either be highly amused, or extremely annoyed.. But they do bring some humor to my day nonetheless..

This Indian man in particular, made me laugh so hard that.. I ended up throwing my mobile phone into a dustbin. Bloody hell I don’t even know what happened! I cant say "i don't know what i was thinking!", i doubt my brain even existed in that split second!

One minute a darker shade of a hideous sounding Britney Spears crossed my path singing, the next minute I was laughing my head off, before finally screaming ‘OH SHIT!’ at the sight of my phone in the thrash..!

Gosh I’d love to have that kinda power to curse anyone with something unfortunate if they ever laugh at me! But oh well, I reckon that Britney dude would have gotten the last laugh if he knew what happened.. and I need a freaking idiot-proof phone!

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10:02:00 PM

Monday, May 19, 2008

I had Track Meet on Friday therefore I was unable to attend cell.
Lovely excuse really, but no..
Let me recollect:
- Broke 2 School Records.
- Gold medals in 800m,1500m and 3000m as well as 4X400m.
- Silver medal in 400m
- Long Jump: Bronze.
- Some other events where I got disqualified for false starts, dropped the baton, went over the foul line. ROFLLTNT

Pssst, did i mention that Mr C. Kunalan was the guest of honour. OMG i sure hope i left an impression on the old track star.

But celebrations were marred by the unwelcome betrayal of my friend. Gee, I'm never gonna trust that dude again.


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11:17:00 AM

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

If I were an enzyme i would be DNA helicase so i could unzip your genes.

HAHAHA.. As if which girl would fall for such a horrid pick-up line-_-
so i guess you're just plain dumb luh


5:17:00 PM

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Because I'm so god-damn fastttttttttt....

5:40:00 PM