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1 2 3

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Go to your calendar and find the first entry for each month of 2008. Post the first sentence of it in your journal, and that’s your “Year in Review”.

“It's funny cause 2007 just feels like yesterday.Doesn't it....?”

“Brief CNY post because I'm darn lazy to blog something sensible. Just make do with it; at least for now please..”

“I'm getting a real kick out of asking my maid to recite numerals 1-10 in her mother tongue - over and over again.Somehow, I would break out in uproarious laughter when she reaches number 8...”

“Have you ever gotten one of those bloody annoying chain mails or stuff where you have to continue the trend or face the consequences of breaking the chain? You see a lot of these stupid things on social networking sites like Facebook or Friendster (more of Friendster actually- Not that I've started using it again) , where “something will happen if you (don’t) repost”. “

“If I were an enzyme i would be DNA helicase so i could unzip your genes..”

“I would say that I've turned into someone really quite different. The things that I do now, are things that I would never have done in the past.”

“I never knew how very much a person's life can change. How one incident can make you feel constantly perplexed and dogged by uncertainty.”

“Why does life have to be so complex? Why do people have to be so superficial? Whatever happened to our days of sweet innocence as little kids not caring about anything else beyond our ideal world of imaginations?.”

“What is fidelity and monogamy? Is it truly possible for humans to be monogamous creatures? Or have we been so deluded by our so called "superior" existence?”

“It’s so unfair that many chose to sign off anonymously… But okay due to the constant stream of questions, I’ll answer not just the first 20, but every single one that’s posted before I actually start replying them.”

“I am a lot more innocent than people would think. And I think people who are really close to me would know that.”

“My gaze wanders to the clock ticking above, my eyes fixated on the movement of the hands.”
I got it from my sister's blog. Rather interesting don't you think?
Welcome, to the threshold of 2008.
Hello 2009:D


9:45:00 PM

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

I just had this sudden urge to blog. Hooray to Justin's inspiration!
This matter really hit home considering how brand conscious and materialistic I've grown to become.

What really struck me was this photo I viewed at the ongoing exhibition at the Singapore Arts Museum. That picture showed a lady with the words “Christian Dior” engraved on the skin of her left forearm. At first glance, it seems like a kind of sadistic photo.

After a while, it sunk into me the real meaning of the photo was a direct message on fashion. Many of us crave to own the LV, Gucci, Prada or other unpronounceable branded bags. In reality what message are we trying to send out with these products? Is it the fact that we are rich enough to own these exquisite products?

Many of us use fashion as a means to portray ourselves. We try to be “hip and cool” in that sense. Looking “unfashionable” seems like an absolute crime and many of us do not want to be caught dead in that situation. In reality, to stay current with the latest fashion, a lot of time and effort has to be invested. In itself, the boundaries of fashion are very much controlled by the designers and the media. To me, by following fashion, one effectively becomes a slave simply because he is following the rules set by others. To put it crudely, it seems more like fashion followers are simply led around by the trend setters like mindless slaves.

Fashion is really what you feel comfortable it. Why bother about what others think if you are at peace with yourself? I guess this photo inspires me to think what really is fashion? Have we unwittingly become a slave in the process of staying “fashionable”?

Think about it :)

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7:39:00 PM

Monday, December 29, 2008

I've been feeling so uninspired lately thereby accounting for the lack of juicy updates. Heck, I've even toyed with the idea of deleting this blog entirely. Blogging is seen as an outlet of expression; though one can never be too careful on this cyber-realm we dub as the World Wide Web. Of late, there's been a dearth of plot and narrowness of imagination.

Yes, I find it difficult to express myself. Even in writing.

But 'dao', here it goes...

Everyone makes mistakes. One mistake. Two mistakes. Dozen mistakes. Today, Yesterday, Tomorrow. We all make mistakes. Every minute of our life we make decisions, some of which may turn out to be mistakes.

Sometimes we are told to learn from others' mistakes. But I firmly believe that we learn most from our own mistakes. So just go out there and make your own mistakes. You will definitely fall down, get hurt, cry, laugh, love, struggle, but you will always get back up, stronger.

Life is too short to stay down and feel regret for those mistakes. You just have to believe that everything happens for a reason. And if you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said that life's going to be easy, they just promised it would be worth it. It’s not what you look like or what you have. But it’s the little things in life that make it all worth while..

Watching the sunset and the moon rise. Spending time doing crazy things with your friends. Moments where you spend those precious minutes with family. Random trips in the middle of the night. Taking a nice long walk. Dancing in the rain. Singing as if no one could hear you. Staying up all night with your best friend(s). Falling in love. Smiling. A hug. Conquering your biggest fear. Watching the waves crash into the sand. Spending a day shopping. Eating till your heart's content..

Life doesn't always give second chances, take the first one. Live it to the full (No such thing as Living life to the fullest; you would be committing a gross mistake if you did ;) ) with no regrets from yesterday. Maybe you will make your own mistakes but then you will never regret the things you learnt through the experience..

Just remember that you only get one shot..
One shot at this minute.
One shot at this day.
One shot at this age.
One shot at life.

Make every day count. Appreciate every moment, and take from it everything you possibly can, for you may never be able to experience it again. So what does one mistake mean if you see the big picture?

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2:19:00 PM

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Automated flushes are a godsend in a country where the people have cultivated an amazing tendency of avoiding toilet flushes like the plague.

However i have a grouse. I think I have an affinity with ‘phantom flushes’ ... in that I mean the sort of toilet seats that starts flushing up a storm under my ass while I am still seated on it..

Now it would’ve been alright if it was just a ripple but as you know, those bloody automated flush systems are normally as 'gentle' as category 5 storms, usually successful at wetting my delicate derriere.

It really isn't so bad until you realize you were halfway through happy bowel moments when it got liquefied by the churning that ends up looking like your mother's cooking. Then, like a land mine exploding in the toilet bowl; you get all your shit thrown back up your ass…

*A shit post for melly as promised! :D

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10:13:00 PM

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

My gaze wanders to the clock ticking above, my eyes fixated on the movement of the hands. Every second ticking away fascinates me... I'm still in a daze after having awoke from a 22-23hour "nap".

The fact that Saltshakers Camp 2008 ended 32 hours ago hasn't quite hit home yet. The Committee has worked hard and I'm glad to say that the we hadn't worked for naught; our work in the past weeks leading up to the Fifth of December culminated in a final brouhaha on the final night!(I'm refering to the TalentNite haha) Thank you my sub-committee, the unsung heroes of the camp! I love you girls(insert lip action here* MUACKS! I hope I didn't steal your first kiss, ladies) Kudos to my wonderful campers and your great support and cheers! Sure, you guys may have complained about this and that - Don't think I don't know, in fact I also complained along with you guys =p

Eh I don't know what else to say la, still quite blur-blur. Uh you guys rock?
I sincerely hope this camp was THE CAMP OF THE YEAR for each and every one of you; and for veteran campers: Hope it lived up to the hype of R2ME2 Camp in 2005! If it didn't then not to worry, we would do an even better one next year!
The tsunami of words shall cease here, not!


It flies by so quickly.. but have you ever wondered how it even started? Who was that one person who came up with the '24 hours theory' when the entire globe was still in nascence. Whoever it was, I think it is a feat that is highly laudable.

Think back to the days where people used the sundial.. or even earlier when all that was different was the brightness of day and the darkness of night. How in the world did these people differentiate day from night?

Every continent of the world has different time zones. Who was it that determined Asia to be ahead of the countries in the West by a few hours? Ultimately, who decided that a single day has approximately 24 hours?

I doubt we’ll ever be able to fully comprehend the cycle and logic behind the essence of time. Too complex it may be, that we won't even bother baffling ourselves for the answer. But it remains fascinating nonetheless.

They say “time flies when you’re having fun”.. not entirely. We’re just so caught up in the moment of excitement that we become oblivious to everything else around us, just as it is when we’re bored to tears.. Time seem to torture our minds by coming to a standstill.

There is however, one single answer I seek for a debatable question..

Will time travel ever be possible?

If I ever had a superpower, I’d want one which would enable me to stop and travel through time at will (like Nakamura from HEROES). I swear it'd be totally awesome man!

Hmm anyway, after writing all these.. I honestly don’t have a clue as to what I'm trying to convey. It's just yet another random thoughts vomit; or how a certain Miss Shirley Chia would diagnose my post as verbal diarrhoea. Oh well, but you know I guess ultimately, although we don’t have the power to turn back time and undo the wrongs.. we do have the power in our hands to create and shape our own future.

And life’s really about cherishing the moments in life that will forever be etched in our hearts and minds.
Remember: It's not about the number of breaths you take, but really...the moments that take your breath away!

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6:02:00 PM