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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I was just talking to a friend, saying how I almost cried while watching High School Musical 3. I know admitting that I actually watch the Disney show is quite gay, and even more embarrassing is the fact that it nearly made me tear.

For the record, I am NOT a cry baby okay.

Every time I watch a flick where the hero dies in some dramatic way with emotional music playing and the love of his life by his side begging him to hold on, I'll be like.. "Man, what a loser. Get on with it and die already!"..

Weirdly, I won't ever cry over something sad?

I get emotional over happy things. Like how a guy and a girl gets back together and live happily ever after, or when family/friends are reunited with their loved ones. I will especially be overwhelmed and start bawling in those "against-all-odds" kind of shows where the character or individual shows great strength in overcoming all the obstacles in life to triumph eventually.

And just so you know.. real men do shed tears.
Actually, I'm just trying to conceal my utter embarrassment to this confession.

11:46:00 PM

Saturday, November 22, 2008

I swear, taxis are the devil in disguise. Every time I hop on one, I’m shortening my life span by a few years because my heart stops beating each time the price meter jumps at an unbelievably frightening rate!

Yet, they’re a lifesaver during moments when you’re extremely late for school, work or meetings with friends LOL! Again, I took a cab back this afternoon from Bukit Panjang to Punggol as I was lazy to take the bus home. I’ve probably minus-ed 10 years of my life savings in just these 4 days, shuttling between far flung locations like Revenue House and other meeting places situated at the North Pole, in those money-munching monsters.

Goodness, Singapore isn’t so “small” when you’re in a freaking taxi!

Anyway, I’m going to relate certain “chat/pick up lines” used by girls these days.

1) Girls when they’re together.

A: “Hey B, whats my handphone number ah?”
B will then shout it out loud. Its so obvious what they’re trying to do. But hey, its not as if the guy’s going to bother taking down your number (unless he is that desperate), in fact he’ll probably think you’re a complete ditz for not remembering your own contact number(LIKE SHIRLEY!! HAHA YOU RETARD!)

2) Girls will again linger around hoping the guy will make eye contact with them and when he does, they’ll smile at him. Or if they’re in groups, they will blatantly “dare” each other to talk to the guy. Then they’ll go squealing off as if they won the world cup. Or in worst case scenarios, they’ll simply go up to the guy and just ask for his number.

3) Girls will begin talking out loud nonsensically, deliberately making themselves an attention magnet. Admittedly, guys are always guilty of this as well.. doing stupid exaggerate things with the hopes of getting that certain person’s attention. Truth is, it's plain annoying, not cute.

4) They’ll go “old school” and slip you notes with little messages, signing off anonymously or leaving their email address. I personally think old school style is quite cute. In a generation of modern technology, anything that has that personal touch always adds that something different.

5) Some girls will hunt the guy down on friendster/facebook/blogs. There’s a high chance of finding that certain person online.. all you really need is the guy or girl’s name and school. And in Singapore, EVERYONE is somehow connected to each other.

Hmm… What kind of pick up line or method would YOU use if you want to get to know a certain person you're interested in?

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11:12:00 PM

Friday, November 21, 2008

Have you ever been in a conversation with a new acquaintance, and after a few moments, start thinking to yourself: ‘Oh my gosh, this person and I think alike! It's as if we’re on the same wavelength!’. It’s such an awesome feeling finding someone like that, almost like falling in love.

Lovers call it “chemistry”. New friends will say it's “instant rapport”. Business people might term it “a meeting of minds”. Yet, it’s essentially the same magic, that sudden sense of warmth and closeness and that strong sensation as if you’ve been friends with this new stranger for a really long time.

Which made me think...

Remember how when we were children, making friends always seemed easy? Most of the kids we grew up and played with knew nothing much about the world yet, and thus all of us were practically on the same wavelength in our own sacred world, with only the interest of having fun with the people around.

Then as the years went by, we grew older, some of us even moved to new environments. And through those transitions in life, our backgrounds, experiences, goals, lifestyles.. everything became diverse. Each and every one of us developed a different notion of life, thus falling off the wavelength we shared in our childhood.

Now every time we meet someone new, we subconsciously have preconceived thoughts about them even before we get to know them. And chances always are, if two people don’t meet eye-to-eye, don’t share the same hobbies and interests, or in other words, are on completely different wavelengths.. that’s as far as the relationship goes.

Wouldn’t it be just great to have a magic surfboard that can help us hop right on the wavelength of any new individual we meet in our daily lives? Not to pre-judge them and distant ourselves just because of differences, but instead learn to accept new perspectives and make an effort to ride on that wavelength of another.

Just like when we were kids, where we could easily 'surf' with any new acquaintance.. as a friend.

Now through my short stint at an Agri-food and Veterinary Authority of Singapore Roadshow, I've come to know and grown close to some people whom I'd never thought of befriending. Bonds have been forged with a group of roadshow mates whom I rather affectionately call the cheenapok gang; it's amazing how everyone of us managed to fit in comfortably despite language medium differences.

Here's a shoutout to Junhao, Mengwee, Sarah, Joanna and last but not least Shirley. The awesome-st, sweet young lady ever. I'm only saying this 'cause I know you're gonna read it. Haha. Now it's time to keep to your side of the bargain! AND tomorrow's dinner your treat right ;)


1:34:00 AM

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Girls these days are showing way too much skin. Not that I’m complaining, I believe in “flaunt it if you’ve got it”. Besides, if any guy seriously doesn’t do a double take at any girl who wears a little too little, he’s either attached to a damn lucky girl or he’s officially gay.

Now girls, before you start accusing guys of being perverts ogling you, be honest with yourself because I’m pretty certain your very intentions when picking your choice of clothes, is to be looked at.

But here’s the thing, where do you draw the line of decency?

I used to think miniskirts were quite an outrageous piece of clothing but apparently, the length of shorts girls put on these days are even way more revealing. I’ve got to say individuals who put on such shorts have a heck lot of guts! But girls, really, don’t you feel as if you’re walking about half naked?

I mean, the shorts you girls wear these days are literally challenging the definition of the word itself! And there are even those who wear like extremely short shorts under their already tiny dresses which makes them look as if they’ve got nothing on under the dress.

Seriously, don’t you feel as if you’re parading around in just your knickers? Isn’t it awkward having people stare at your body parts or are you secretly enjoying the attention? Why do you need to wear such non-existent clothing to flaunt your features (if you even have any to show in the first place) when a simple piece would do?

You may or may not know this but there are repercussions to your actions. You want to look sexy, but you might be attracting the wrong attention or be perceived as a slut. And hypothetically speaking (I really hope it won’t ever happen to anyone), if you get molested or worse, you too are at fault.

If being seen as someone hot in the eyes of the male population is your true intention, there are a lot of ways you can go about it, there are so many styles of dressing you can experiment with. Showing more skin doesn’t always equate to you being sexier. And just for the information of ignorant ones, showing your butt crack is disgusting!

If you were to ask me what I find sexiest about a girl, I’d say confidence. A girl who is able to carry herself really well, who is articulate and eloquent, who has her own style, simply a girl who knows who she is and proud of it... that’s sexy.

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4:32:00 AM

Friday, November 07, 2008

I have just had the most horrible night possible. It is interesting, how your own body can defy your own wishes.
I spent the whole night willing myself to sleep, or at least for my eyes to close, so that they won't be so devastatingly dry. I think I fell into a stupor around 4 this morning, and awoke again at 6.

Since then, I've went running and come back and... No yeah, that's all I've done since 7 this morning. I feel uncommonly detached from everything today. I can't seem to really process what's going on around me. I hear music playing, but I can't tell what song it is. I hear people speaking to me, but it takes time for me to process what they say and who is speaking to me. I read a book, and the words enter my mind, but it doesn’t process. In less time than I take to churn out an essay, I've finished an entire new book, without an understanding on what the story is about.

Even now, while I'm sitting in front of my computer, I can't seem to feel. I don't know whether the air conditioner is on, I don't know what's going on outside. I just seem to be in a daze. Is this what not sleeping does to you? I feel so detached.

I tried to cry just now, just to see if I could. I know there are actors out there who can turn on the tears automatically, but that has always been one skill that escaped me. The most that I could do was maybe to make my eyes slightly moist. I can't do that even now.

Acting is an incredible skill. To replicate certain emotions, you turn inside yourself, and you invoke that particular feeling through situations that you have been in before. To be a performer, it is essential to have a passion for life, and to have an abundance of feelings to pull on. Thus naturally, artistes are people who have a flair for life and the dramatics.

I've always been someone who felt a lot. I can sympathize with almost anything. I am what you would call, emotionally receptive. I can't seem to feel anything now. I walk around, I converse, I make jokes, I laugh at the appropriate time, or when people laugh at some joke made. But I am so emotionally detached from everything. I feel slightly numb. Is that normal?

Oh god, I wish I could just get my eyes to close. Sleep is pretty much the thing I need the most right now. Do you know what it's like to go through the whole night not sleeping, and instead looking at your bedspread, the patterns, simply because you cant sleep? When was the last time you sat in bed unable to sleep, and see the light slowly come through your window?

Depressing. Really depressing, especially when all I want to do is sleep.

I feel like I'm blind sometimes, moving along by my sense of intuition alone. It is like I am reaching towards this big confusing whirlpool of lights and colors and sounds, stretching my fingers out as far as they can go. I am boldly yet tentatively feeling around me for another person's hand, just waiting to make a connection with someone. I know it probably sounds so ridiculous and laughable - maybe even pathetic - but I really just want to find that a sanctuary; I want to come home.

Here's a quote which truly sums up what love is.

"Have you ever been in love? Horrible isn't it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens up your heart and it means that someone can get inside you and mess you up. You build up all these defenses, you build up a whole suit of armor, so that nothing can hurt you, then one stupid person, no different from any other stupid person, wanders into your stupid life...

You give them a piece of you. They didn't ask for it. They did something dumb one day, like kiss you or smile at you, and then your life isn't your own anymore. Love takes hostages. It gets inside you. It eats you out and leaves you crying in the darkness, so simple a phrase like "maybe we should be just friends" or "how very perceptive" turns into a glass splinter working its way into your heart. It hurts. Not just in the imagination. Not just in the mind. It's a soul-hurt, a real gets-inside-you-and-rips-you-apart pain. Nothing should be able to do that. Especially not love. I hate love."

The Sandman- Neil Gaiman (thank you Janice for the quote)

Love is, weakness.

It makes one vulnerable to all kinds of unpleasant scenarios and emotions. Love is an open wound that exposes you to all sorts of germs and bacterium, all ready to attack you. Instead of micro-organisms, it is doubt and uncertainty that attacks you. Bringing you down, down to your knees.

Love, can do the most epic things, at both ends of the spectrum. Immobilize a whole forward-surging army or to move a mountain. It brings us to do great things, or could just lead us on the trail towards nothingness. Nothing but pure heartache and pain.

Love makes people change. Change although being almost inevitable, is not something constant when it comes to human character. It wants to make you dream big, think about the future. Just that these dreams and aspirations aren't selfish and you must share it with that special someone. Selflessness is a total defiance against you. Once again, an act of weakness, brought about by love.

So... love really is a weakness.

I’ll let this city burn as everyone sleeps, so that we could be alone, together.

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11:40:00 PM

Monday, November 03, 2008

It's almost 3am now but I can't seem to get to sleep. I guess it's alright though, because in the stillness of night and early morning, that's when I'm truly at peace with myself, and with the world.

Everything is so quiet and tranquil. The calming silence so still, it's almost as if I can reach out and grab it in my hand. But no matter how hard I try to grab it, it always escapes my grasp.

Wisps of air so fragile, so endearing to the touch, yet so brittle. So liberating, yet its something that can only be felt by one when the soul is vulnerable and completely naked to the world. But many a times, we block out many things. People, feelings, emotions.. just so we can feel safe.

We become hardened and tough; essential in this world where harm is rampant. But in doing so, we hurt countless people along the way. We push them aside, brush them off, yell at them. Yet most of them come in peace, willing to bear their soul to us, to help us even.

But because of the lies and hurt we've been through, we misjudge them and perceive them as a threat. I admit, I am like that. I find it hard to trust people and I do know that has inevitably hurt some people.

I also find it hard to be completely honest with people. Not that I don't want to, but because.. well, just because. The only time I can be really honest with myself, is at night. When everyone is asleep and the harsh glare of light is absent..

When the calming night air permeates my soul and releases me from the things I fear about. Free from the clutches of fear.. and being totally able to be myself.

No lies. No fears. No tears.

Just for those few hours, and everything will be alright. Those few precious hours when I have all the time to myself, away from everyone else. The hours that brings memories rushing back, and just for that short period, time stops, and I relieve everything.

Knowing that time cannot bring back those memories, that no matter how hard I try, it's all in the past and never to return again. Knowing that one day, everything I know, everyone I have come to love and treasure, will ultimately disappear.

And the only thing that will stay, are the very memories that we share. Materialistic things, as beautiful as they are to hold in your hand, they too, will ultimately go away. But memories stay. In our heads, in our hearts where no-one can taint it.

Where no-one can taint the moments that we spent with the people around us. And while memories may fade away, they never really disappear. Just hidden away, waiting for the right moment to appear once again.

If you ever see me sitting quietly by myself, perhaps with my eyes closed, just leave me for alone for awhile and I will be eternally grateful to you.

2:56:00 AM

Sunday, November 02, 2008

I am a lot more innocent than people would think. And I think people who are really close to me would know that. Is it my demeanor? The way I walk, the way I talk? What?

I know the looks that other people give me when they see me. I can tell what they're thinking by their looks alone. It's just plain weird! Of course, it’s not like I care. When they're introduced to me, it's always the same thing. They start out awkward, and wary of me, but then when I start talking, they change. And more often than not, these people become my friends, and tell me, 'You know, you're totally different from the person I thought you were.'

I'm told that I just look very intimidating, and well, for lack of a better word, cocky(Anyway more on the "C" word later on). Is it true? But I'm nice, and friendly! Really friendly!

Oh well. I am resigned to the superficial nature of human beings. I included of course. No judgment here.

The conversation below really happened on S'pore radio recently.
DJ : Good morning.. This is Power 98 & do you want to play a game?

Contestant : Yeah, why not.

DJ : Good. It is a simple game. When I say something you have to give an answer that is opposite to what I have said. For example, when I say Sharp, you have to answer Blunt. OK?

Contestant : OK.

DJ : Sun
Contestant : Moon.

DJ : Black
Contestant : White.

DJ : Tall
Contestant : Short.

DJ : Man
Contestant : Woman

DJ : Cock
Contestant :

DJ : These things sometimes happen and we are on live. Let's take a commercial break here.

The answer should be "Hen". Somebody tell that to the dumb Singaporean...


12:26:00 AM