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Friday, December 28, 2007

I guess as teenagers (and probably for the rest of our lives), one very important thing we all need are friends. But having said that, its also essential to be able to identify the qualities of a true friend.. based on a simple theory that if we know what we are looking for in a friend, we’ll probably face fewer disappointments.

What do I mean? Well, sub-consciously, all of us have different perceptions and qualities we expect in a good friend. We tend to click better with people who share our point of views, our interests, our values...

But before we judge people with our expectations, we’ve gotta be honest with ourselves and ask if we even possess these qualities we want in our friends? You’re just being a hypocrite if you demand someone else to live up to your expectations that you so evidently lack..

Some people are fair-weather friends. They are there when all is well and will desert you when trouble brews. Others hang out with you simply because they want something.. It could be your popularity that helps them share the limelight or your wealth, position, talent?

The worst of the lot would be the backstabbers. The ones who use your ideas and pass it off as their own.. the people who get all chummy when you’re around but bitches about you the minute you leave the room..

Rich people always find it easier to make “friends”, but the wise among them know that many of their so-called friends are merely using them. I reckon many famous socially prominent people are often sad because deep down they know they are surrounded by users who’d dump them when they lose their position.

True friendship should never be based on externals like money, looks and position.. all of these can so easily be lost. True friends value qualities that are precious and don’t diminish with the passing of time..

When you look at websites such as Friendster, MySpace, Facebook or whatever social networking website.. you discover the astonishment of how some people seem to have over 500 ‘friends’.. its like some popularity game. But seriously, what the point of aiming to have that many friends..?

You’ve gotta ask yourself if you even know half of those people? Others would almost certainly fall into the category of acquaintances. If you’re able to identify just 2 genuine good friends you know, that’s already a blessing!

Friendship’s not about the quantity but the quality..

The most cherished gift you can have and give someone.. is a sincere friendship. Friendship which I’ve discovered by the way.. is a two-way process. One cannot do all the taking and expect others to just keep giving.. a fact which reflects negatively on me.

I am in the process of learning to be a friend.. One who’d be able to care and share, someone who’d be willing to listen, to sympathize and empathize with others, to be there for another in good and especially bad times, to have the courage to stand by my friends and protect them from the unkindness of others.

So no one told you life was gonna be this way
Your job's a joke, you're broke, your love life's D.O.A,
It's like you're always stuck in second gear,
When it hasn't been your day, your week, your month or even your year
But.. I'll be there for you (When the rain starts to fall)
I'll be there for you (Like I've been there before)
I'll be there for you
'Cos you're there for me too...

---F.R.I.E.N.D.S theme tune---


6:55:00 PM

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Youth Camp '07 was wayyy fun! But I shan't drown all of you in details. At least not yet...

Anyway I do hope that - unlike the previous times in the days after past youth camps - the burning passion in me would never get extinguished/ snuffed out/ put out/ doused & et cetera. I feel that something so powerful & so real is about to happen in my life, and I want to see it come to pass.

Wish me luck and pray for me as I begin my quest to resist the flesh and feed my spirit.
First up, doing devotions.

Ah... Like how Nicwong always remind us: Have you done your QT yet?


7:33:00 PM