Thursday, July 24, 2008
I was looking around and a particular characteristic of a certain race struck me. I realized, that my fellow half-race people, the Chinese, are generally not very tall. So my mind got cracking and I came up with this "evolution theory" of the Chinese race.
I reckon the only real reason why most Chinese dudes are short and will continue to be short is because we (and our forefathers) have an over sized ego. We'll never ever choose someone taller than us. Any girl we date or marry eventually HAS to be shorter than us.
But what we've actually failed to realize is the alarming genetic repercussion in the long run. Unless the Chinese male population breaks away from their stubborn ego mentality of refusing to have a taller girlfriend/wife, the average height of our people will continue to plummet!
Here's a simple illustration: Short man meets shorter woman. Short couple falls in love. Short couple gives birth to offspring. The "obviously logical" scenario would be that of the child being even shorter! If that cycle continues, soon our whole race will be no taller than midgets!
Unfortunately, the truth of the matter is, we Chinese guys will forever continue dating girls shorter than us. There is absolutely no way we will go for taller girls (unless they are super hot). If we did, we wouldn't be Chinese.
We have been thoroughly brainwashed during our younger days listening to all the mambo jumbo about males being the head of the family and how the family would crumble if we are not at least one head above our other half.
Stupid theories of our ancestors.
Someone seriously has to break this trend. Any brave Chinese dude willing to put all ego aside and date/marry a taller girl? You'll be doing the Chinese population a huge favor! Think of your unborn child, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. Perhaps over the next few generations, the Chinese people will be just as tall as those gigantic angmohs we always have to "look up to".
Otherwise, like how Joker is the new anarchism, "Chinese" will be the new "short".
Like you know; 'Yo Chinese guy! You're so Chinese.. I can’t see you man!'
Next up: A pictorial entry of my recent National School's Track & Field Meet.
Have yet to kope pictures from my mates.Labels: Mindless, Observations
6:00:00 PM
Monday, July 21, 2008
I had the strangest of dreams last night. In it, I saw myself leaving this world (or dying to be blunt). Now if I were to be one who interprets dreams as a vision of the near future, I'd honestly be quite alarmed. But I do believe everyone has their place in time.
Death is inevitable, it’s not something we can control. All of us will eventually leave this world at some point. I guess the only power we do have, is the control over our own lives during our time alive.
As cliché as the saying might be, I reckon the happiest of people truly are the ones who 'live each day as if its their last'. They are the ones who treasure every single moment and will probably leave the world without regrets when the time comes..
I thought about something along that line.. I thought about my last 24 hours. If I were to be forewarned that I only had 24 hours left to live, this would be what I'd want to do..
Assuming the day starts at 12am..
I'd be at a sleepover with my closest friends. Obviously sleep will not be on the agenda. (We've all spent a third of our lives sleeping away.. why waste more hours during your last?) Anyway, we'll just stay up and enjoy each other's company all through the night.
Then in the morning, I’d meet up with old friends for a little kick about. I love soccer, and I miss all those moments of us guys getting all soaked with perspiration from morning football before school assembly..
Come afternoon, I’d have a gathering of sorts with every single person I know, over a lunch party. It'd be an opportunity to meet and just have fun with all these wonderful friends for the very last time..
After the party, I’d make a trip down with all my personal possessions to a Children's Home. I can actually still recall the very first time I volunteered at a Home.. it really touched my heart and changed my life somewhat. The one last deed I’d want to do for these children, is to put a smile on their faces and remind them that comewhatmay, they hold the destiny of their own lives..
Dinner. I'd cook dinner and have my last meal.. with my family. You've probably never heard me say this, but despite my disagreements and everything else with my parents..the family unit to me, is still the most important thing in life.
In the closing few hours before it strikes midnight.. I'd spend some time alone to reminisce all of life's happy memories. I'd write a personal letter to thank every single person who've made my life a beautiful journey. Then, in the final few minutes, I’d close my eyes with a smile, and breathe my last..
How would you spend your last 24 hours?Labels: Dreams, Life, Random Ruminations
9:44:00 PM
Monday, July 14, 2008
While on the bus to school this morning, a single thought struck me. Something that always comes to my mind as I sit back and people-watch. You know it's quite fascinating to observe others from a distance (not in the voyeuristic sense), the way they talk, dress and behave.
Then occasionally, when you make eye contact with that stranger for a brief second, one of you would turn away in embarrassment at being caught ‘staring’. What if people actually acknowledged each other with a nod and a smile instead? Wouldn’t that be nice?
When I was holidaying in Down Under circa 2006, I felt warmth from any random stranger that I passed on the street. They’d greet you with a smile and a simple ‘hello’ which sometimes goes to make one’s bad day seem a lot better.
Trying something like that in Singapore would only bring about trouble. The other party will probably think you’re nuts or some sick pervert.. and that’s the whole bloody problem with our society! We’re all so caught up living in our own world of oblivion that we fail to immerse ourselves in our surroundings.
Everyday, you’ll be greeted with the stony, grumpy expressions of fellow commuters and strangers alike. It’s extraordinary how their lives seem to be miserable 365 days a year! If Thailand is the land of smiles, Singapore is pathetically the land of frowns!
But anyway, that wasn't what I had set out to discuss.
Hm... We’re all living in a world filled with strangers. The passing faces you see everyday are nothing more than a mere insignificant figure. But think, every one of these people can potentially change or impact your life in some way or another.
The course of your life steers in little ways every time you develop a friendship with someone new. Some say its destiny when 2 people meet.. maybe so, but you know I really do think that anyone of us can get acquainted with any random stranger simply by having the courage to say hello.
Imagine this.. What if you had chosen to go to a different school?
Your life would probably be different from what it is now. And the obvious reality is, that you’d be hanging out with a totally different bunch of people.. the ones you know, the very same ones who are significant in your lives right at this moment, would have been nothing more than just another face.
My point is; not knowing what lies ahead in your life makes it a lot more interesting. Every passing figure you see each day isn’t merely another insignificant soul, but someone with a story of their own, and one who might very well be part of the story of your life.
I’m not saying that you should go out there and start introducing yourself to the whole world. But if the opportunity ever arises, take the initiative.
Be the first to go up to someone new with an extended hand, a genuine smile, and just say hello.Labels: People, Random Ruminations
5:49:00 PM
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Growing poor as the days go by, I swear I’ll have to sell tissue paper on Orchard Road really soon at the rate I'm spending...on cabs and food! Well, if it’s by any means a scant consolation, at least i still have enough dosh left for my daily dose of candy!
Taxis.. Gee, i really do need a car already!
Which brings me to the point of entry about another mode of transport in Singapore.. the MRTs! As a frequent commuter of MRTs, i estimate I’ll spend 4% of my lifetime on trains. And the other 96%; sleeping.
There are a few things you can do on the train. Sit, stand, sit on the floor. Then, while you are in these various positions, you either read the papers, chat on the phone, play SIMON SAYS and plug in your earpiece like everyone else, read a book or dig your nose. (Roll it with your thumb and index finger, then flick it in the face of some hapless kid.)
This is where it gets interesting: People always jostle for space, to get as much circle of freedom. This gets especially complicated during office and school (before and after) hours. The crowd gets enormous and the most lethal things on these trains aren't the people standing over the yellow line and running for empty seats as if they’re going to war...
Instead, it is something that reeks and occupies loads of space. You’re probably thinking body odor or the ‘aroma of fart’. Well, i am not referring to that. I swear I’ll fart in your face if you ever give me a whiff of something foul emanating from you..
The thing that irks me the most.. are morning tabloids. (Okay, so tell me.. What irks you people? Applicable only to matters concerning time onboard public transportation.)
I don't know about you people but the smell of fresh newspaper makes me wanna puke. Well the smell of one isn't exactly that bad.. but when 20 newspapers crammed in a place where only 21 people can stand, that would make you the odd one out without the smell.
I was tempted to turn the tables and unleash my weapon of mass destruction-fart just to gain more space in the train, but people spread their newspaper so wide as though they were in their toilet cubicle shitting.
What makes it worse is the very fact that these crisp tabloids have sharp edges. So, whenever I enter trains, I’ll always receive a welcome scratch and get mauled by tabloids spreading themselves (and of course by the sounds of young punks blasting music! But that’s something else altogether).
Therefore I'm starting a new movement! An anti-free-newspaper environment.. due to the fact that they are highly dangerous! The next time i see some bloody prick bringing a tabloid on board the train.. I'm gonna be a very good Singaporean and call 'won ba de.. won ba de.. won ba de'.
It is against the law to bring highly dangerous objects on board public transport! And my life is in jeopardy whenever you do! So there!
Whoever knows which idiot invented the idea of free tabloids, I'm going over there to fart in his very face.
Better yet, I'll scratch him with my newspaper..
J-MO, find an excuse to come down to CCK stadium if you're stil based in Stagmont Camp. Dinner's on me afterwards ;)Labels: Public Transport
8:03:00 PM
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Nicole Kidman finally gave birth last Sunday.
And she named her baby girl Sunday.
What kind of parents would enforce such a name on their child? No compassion! No sympathy!Seriously!
That child is going to grow up with a serious inferiority complex man!
"Hey Sunday, it's Sunday!"
"Wanna go out with me on Sunday, Sunday?"
"I hate Sunday, don't you Sunday?"
Holey crap, the jokes are endless!
Lol. Seriously. Why not name your child Dipshit, it wouldn't make much of a difference. Why do people try so hard to stand out? I could probably come up with 5 weird names that people have chosen recently. Parents try so hard to "stand out" that they usually end up choosing names that really suck. Sunday?! Seriously...
Another thing that I can't stand is when people use names that they're not given. If you're not given an English name then so be it! No wait. It is okay if you choose an English name for yourself because it's easier for other people to pronounce (note: Chinese names), or to relate yourself to the people in your industry.
But when people choose names that is obviously just for show, it pisses the hell out of me. Because they want to stand out and err, have weird names?
I know of someone who chose the name Cressabella.
Bloody hell, it sounds like bloody watercress!
And then there was another who called herself Doily! Does she even know that a doily is an object? It's so obvious that she doesn’t. Why the hell do people do this to themselves? It's damn funny to watch, but also quite sad to witness the stupidity.
Don't even get me started on people who deny their own heritage. Why do people want to be so different? To put it in colloquial terms; Chinese "step-angmoh" ROFL! You can't change what you were born as, but you can damn well make sure that the life you lead is yours and not trying to be someone else god didn't make you out to be.
Heh. Okay. Getting confusing. Because everyone is trying to be different, when you try to be different, you're actually fitting in.
Hahahahahahaha, I amaze myself sometimes.
See, my name is Justin Lim Meng Chen. Common name, common surname, common Chinese name. But I don't go around calling myself Bolognaise or something right?
Yeah I chose Bolognaise ‘cause some stupid mofo may have seen in on a menu and thought, "Hmm, I should start calling myself that. So unique!"
Edit: I used to be ashamed of being Chinese. But not anymore.. I think it's wayyyy cool now! (Though having Singaporean roots isn't something I proudly declare. At least not yet...)Labels: Identities
9:48:00 PM
Monday, July 07, 2008
"You.. fat? You're crazy!"
But here's the shocking revelation..
I have a little bulging tummy!
A total of 8 meals consumed today.
7:17:00 PM
Thursday, July 03, 2008
I never knew how very much a person's life can change. How one incident can make you feel constantly perplexed and dogged by uncertainty.
It's like, before that very fateful day, or night, I was fine. I was not ecstatically happy, but at least I wasn’t feeling what I'm feeling now. It kinda sucks. But now, after that very fateful night, I am stuck feeling like this, and there's nothing I can do to stop it.
This pretty much sucks.
Which is also why I’m flying back to the blog-o-sphere. Because my blog can't call me a pussy.
My life is upside down right now, and I'm the one doing the pulling. I'm changing all my convictions, all my goals and dreams. I know how some people are thinking that I'm indecisive, and maybe I am. But I don’t really have a choice anymore do I?
It's time to grow up, and actually start thinking about the future. Damn, I hate that word.
Anyway, today was a hectic day! Woke up early to head down to school's stadium for training. I had to train by myself. Highlight was pushing a 10kg weight with my right leg, to strengthen a certain muscle called the abductor (I do think it’s the mastermind behind kidnaps!).
So there I was, like one stupid clown pushing the weight on the track. Haha, never mind it is for my own good. After that we had a ice bath. There was this dustbin filled with ice water (Don't worry the dustbin never served its original purpose). We had to sit in it for three minutes and I swear it was really, really cold. However, Jon and Shali, my team mates got it worst because they got to sit in water which had new ice in it. Even the surface of the dustbin was covered with condensation. Such sorry souls..
Just earlier this week, I headed down to Singapore Sports School for a photo shoot with the national team. I think we'd be flying off to some ASEAN country in Nov' or Dec' to have a shot at international sporting glory! Maybe I can defer enlistment again.. Also went for a session with the physiotherapist (old injury, sigh... ha-ha) and to collect some apparel & supplements from my sponsor! They stood by me despite that horrible incident and after all the nonsense I've been up to. Really, really thank God for them!
People come up to tell me, "Eh, how come your blog no pictures one?!” I thought my writing was enough to compensate the dearth of pictures! Apparently not! Humans are so difficult to please, please!
If a picture says a thousand words; I would post a two-thousand words blog post without pictures! Someone say "Overkill". Hehe. Anyways...


Mischievous team-mates pranked me.
I nearly died when I found the entire box full of paper stuffing!



Indian Dude: Shalidran. School mate. Sprints specialist. Represented Singapore at the recent SEA Games.
Chinese Dude: Calvin Kang. Singapore Sports School. Rising starlet in sprints event. I heard he's freaking fast.
As you can see, we are all dressed in tights getting ready for the photo shoot.
Ethel says tights are disgusting! Where, got....?
Oh, I had a wardrobe malfunction before the shoot. =s
Come to think of it, it was damn embarrasing!

My second pair of sponsored spikes :)
But why Nike!!!! I was pro-Adidas throughout my running "career".
Prefer this to the GREEN one though!

Training shoes. My 3rd pair of shoes received!
Whoa, my favourite colour. Yeah, now we're talking;)
ps:it's not that i don't wanna tell youbut rather, i don't know where to startor how to start, really.but in this post are gems waiting for you to unearth!and questions for you to ask :)all you've gotta do is to push the right buttons.pps: looking for people to carry my banner during the nationals race next week. got my face and all. so, better carry properly hor? dinner as reward. ROFL.ppps: i didn't make the banner! but rather it was a gift from a friend who thought i'd be shameless enough to bring it to competition.. so yah, why not? my face leh!BTW! Rosette, if you're reading this all the way from Korea.. Yobosaeyo!!Labels: Friends, Kena zapped by confusion ray, Sports
4:54:00 PM