Wednesday, September 26, 2007
I think Serene Siau Hui Hong!! exhibits maturity wayyy beyond her age.
Yes, no doubt she can be overtly dramatic at times.
But then again... aren't most girls like that?
I'm blogging this not because she forced me to. But partly due to me wanting to fulfill my quota for the month. Hehe...
What transpired during our instant messaging conversation was this one thing she offered.
One that hit me straight in the face. It definitely made me sit up and ponder.. Even till now as i'm typing this.
Sometimes wanting to win might override the importance of having a relationship with God!
- Serene Siau Hui Hong!!
I am not afraid to admit that i take losing very badly. I am a SORE loser.
Pride gets in the way and I don't like to be taken lightly; definitely not belittled.
How so?
Let's leave that for another post, another time.Labels: Church
9:13:00 PM
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Sometimes in your quiet moments, as you sit and reminisce... the ghosts of yesterday comes back to haunt you.
Incidents you don’t want to remember, happenings you wish never did occur the way it did.
Everyone has skeletons in their closets.
We gather them along as we live life. And there’ll be times all you want to do is sweep them under the carpet and leave it there forever.
From heart-wrenching memories to embarrassing moments, these specters of memories randomly float around our head at odd moments when we least expect it..
I do get that sometimes, a lot of times..
I’ve made mistakes that would make me cringe whenever I think about it. And they always seem to flashback in spastic moments.
Some of which are cherished memories, while others I dread and am deeply ashamed about.
But I guess it's only wise to just lift our heads high from the gloom that dooms us..
And look ahead towards a better horizon out there.
There’s no point harping on the past and letting it obstruct our path towards a brighter future.
Falling down doesn’t make you a failure- Staying down does.
We cant turn back time to undo our wrongs but we can make our life ahead worthwhile.
Because really... Life can only be understood looking backwards but it must be lived looking forward.
So whatever problems you’re facing, remember to be strong & smile.
And you would come out triumphant!
Yet another random blog posting...Labels: raMdoN, Random Ruminations
9:24:00 PM
Thursday, September 13, 2007
It just sweeps me how vividly illusive dreams can be sometimes. It robs your sleep and replaces it with images that you've long stopped believing. Ideas that are obviously fantastical, yet occurring...
You wouldn't have to think twice to realize that sooner or later, it would all end with you waking up. Prematurely realizing it's a dream takes away the fun of it, as well as makes you feel mortal. The knowledge of not being able to die - it makes you willfully ignorant
Some people believe that dreams are a sign of things to come, while others conceive it as the portal for a deceased member to communicate with the living. Scientists say it’s just your brain working overtime while your physical body ‘shuts down’.
It’s quite fascinating though. Dreams are so unpredictable and so real; they practically put Hollywood blockbusters to shame. But then again, our dreams probably materialized from what we experience and see everyday.
People say that dreams do come true...
I hope I can be the one saying that one day. My most recent dream was weird... But I woke up feeling different after that. In it, I fell in love with someone. A ‘someone’ that I do know a ‘someone’ that has always been a close friend of mine (Girl of course!)
8:51:00 PM
Saturday, September 08, 2007
They say it's a man's world
Well, that cannot be denied
But what good's a man's world
Without a woman by his side
And so i will wait
Until that moment you decide
That i'm your man
And you're my girl
That i'm the sea
And you're the pearl
It takes two, baby,
It takes two
Doo doo - wop!
A king ain't a king
Without the pow'r behind the throne
A prince is a pauper. Babe,
Without a chick to call his own
So please, darling, choose me
I don't wanna rule alone
Tell me,
Lancelot had Guinevere
Mrs. Claus has old St. Nick
Romeo had Juliet
And Liz, well, she has her dick
They say it takes two to tango
Well, that tango's child's play
So take me to the dance floor
And we'll twist the night away
Just like Frankie Avalon
Had his favorite mouseketeer
I dream of a lover, babe,
To say the things I long to hear
So come closer baby,
Oh and whisper in my ear
It Takes Two- Hairspray (Soundtrack To The Motion Picture,2007)
2:02:00 PM
Friday, September 07, 2007
Allow me to trace the history of Jeans: From Bell bottom/Flares to Baggy jeans; Loose jeans to Wide-leg jeans and Straight jeans to Skinny Jeans..
Some have dubbed it the denim marvel, allowing folks to pair it with formal wear or to "mis-treat" their pantaloons (LMAO!) to obtain the grunge look.
Well, here's presenting this season's fashion must-have!
It is tighter than tight... And skinnier than skinny.
It's almost crotch-busting! Ow!

Gee, I'm sure it wouldn't hurt to have a pair of those in my wardrobe...
12:57:00 PM