Ahh don't even know why i went for the short 2-hour meeting (Okay make that nearly 5 hours for the travelling time and the time i need to get ready)
Could have done something more productive like studying
or socializing on Battle.net
It's obvious that they are taking advantage of me hahaha since they reside at the far western side of sunny Singapore! SO ANNOYING.
Plus i dont remember being so obliging, i never was. I'd only do things to my best interest =p
Nah obviously not right! I'm so considerate and thoughtful and..... I think that's it? Gah..
Shit, my computer sucks like lemons.
I am only running MSN and Internet Explorer but already I can't view media.
Comp says "Your computer is running low on memory. Quit other programs, and then try again." What nonsense- I have almost 80 Gigabytes of free disk space!
It's a machine and it's telling me what to do. How arrogant, considering we humans created them; these machines. To quit other programs and try again?! Shit, not even a please!
Mr. Bill Gates ought to teach his Operating Systems some manners
I'd go try watching Jackass 2 on the computer again after i'm done with this post
Pssst.. This is how i lost my hair and its not because of Joel Mo, although i would gladly give my hair up for him anyday ahaha. I'd give you picture clues in chronological order and you'd have to piece the information together and draw your own conclusions.

Revenge of the Botak-heads