Sunday, May 27, 2007
Not one shred of evidence supports the notion that life is serious
so why do you even bother?
7:39:00 PM
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
just a while ago, i was doing my work on the Net.
and my sister entered the room in a fluster..
and went: kor! kor! you cannot eat mentos. it will kill sperm, according to the news!
i shot her a WTF look. lol and she proceeded to shout "mummy mummy, look at korkor's stupid face!" mum came in and didnt help matters at all. "yah, ryan cant eat it too. i want grandchildren", she remarked.
i ignored them both. its possibly the best treatment i can give to the 2 crazy ladies in my household. worked like magic- they left me alone in the room soon after. HAH! women: just gotta know how to handle 'em =p
but it got me thinking.
mentos?? this mentos?

so you mean to say the innocuous looking candy is capable of inflicting internal damage to the jewel bag?
hahaha and this image automatically popped in my head.
the spartan mentos mercenary attacking my male erm cell.

dont ask me why like that. it could have been much wilder- for i have a fertile imagination- like several soldiers emerging from
a candy shaped in the fashion of a trojan horse.
and you know what they say bout not accepting candy from strangers?
i must add on. dont accept candy from strangers especially strange looking men.

the one with the come hither look. and baiting little boys with mentos.
damn he's out to do them in!
so for now, it would be safer to stay off candies...LAH!
you are sweet enough, anyway ;)
10:27:00 PM
Sunday, May 13, 2007
why did it take me so long to realise that the background of my blog is of a nondescript colour!!
haha thats it.. im gonna adorn it with pictures of me, myself and i!
a little narcissism never hurt anyone. besides, its a sure fire way of sending readership ratings soaring.
HA like i care about the readership anyway, but thats besides the point.
its ironic how im a sucker for privacy and yet, the very details of my daily ongoings are documented on my blog. THE I-R-O-N-Y...
Fall Out Boy- Thks Fr Th Mmrs
I'm gonna make you bend and break.
Say a prayer, but let the good times roll,
In case god doesn't show.
Let the good times roll.
Let the good times roll.
And I want these words to make things right,
But it's the wrongs that make the words come to life.
"Who does he think he is?"
If that's the worst you got,
Better put your fingers back to the keys.
One night and one more time.
Thanks for the memories,
Even though they weren't so great.
"He tastes like you only sweeter."
One night, yeah, and one more time.
Thanks for the memories.
Thanks for the memories.
"See, he tastes like you only sweeter."
Been looking forward to the future,
But my eyesight is going bad.
And this crystal ball,
Is always cloudy,
Except for when you look into the past.
One night stand.
One night stand off.
One night and one more time.
Thanks for the memories,
Even though they weren't so great.
"He tastes like you only sweeter."
One night, yeah, and one more time.
Thanks for the memories.
Thanks for the memories.
"See, he tastes like you only sweeter."
They say I only think in the form of crunching numbers.
In hotel rooms,
Collecting page six lovers.
Get me out of my mind.
Get you out of those clothes.
I'm a liner away,
From getting you into the mood.
One night and one more time.
Thanks for the memories,
Even though they weren't so great.
"He tastes like you only sweeter."
One night, yeah, and one more time.
Thanks for the memories.
Thanks for the memories.
"See, he tastes like you only sweeter."
One more night.
One more time.
Thanks for the memories,
Even though they weren't so great.
"He tastes like you only sweeter."
One night, yeah, and one more time.
Thanks for the memories.
Thanks for the memories.
"See, he tastes like you only sweeter."
I'll post the video sometime later.
The chimpanzees are annoying.
I would smack them if i were Pete Wentz.
OH by the way, did i mention that he looks good in that video?
10:09:00 AM
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
gay blogger keeps loading errors on the page.
this just had to happen..
anyway, staying over at my cousin's place.
THE man has gotta do something about his tardiness!
already got threatened with 1 week of home suspension because of my persistent latecoming.
9 times in 2 terms only!
and the school is taking such a tough stand on it.
being anal would be a gross understatement.
sucks man. what to do?
im unable to pull off a "cho seung hui"
HA okay just a fleeting thought.
its never ever gonna materialise anyway.
not in sunny singapore.
and im too much of a humanitarian to see through macabre acts of carnage...
hehe humanitarian.
just like how a vegetarian eats their veggies; a humanitarian, well you get my drift.
Laughing out LOUD.
staying at hillview throughout the week was sucha breeze i tell you.
woke up at 7am. left the house 20 minutes later to walk to the bus stop outside the salvation army.
wham-bam 7.45am and im right outside the gates of hell.
oops i mean school =P
im gonna get some work done. resist the lure of dota, cz and the ps2.
do work, like for real. i played cz with him on ytd and boy did i get my ass whooped.
hahaha my "sublime" skills were no match for his razor mouse.
stay away from the evil, justin...
but i wonder for how long cause i heard his ps3 is coming in next week!
FTW! rich brat.. LOL
no prizes for guessing what literary writing style i adopted for this post.
ahh yes, stream of consciousness alright =)
this has gotta be my quickest post ever.
lol im not even thinking. just typing everything at the top of my head.
i miss you ALOT
daddy and mummy.
amanda and ryan.
joy and jewel.
ah kong and aunty.
catch ya in a bit =)
9:44:00 PM
Thursday, May 03, 2007
A post solely dedicated to screen shots!
Lovely screenshots which had me up in stitches..
Coming to theatres near you!
Finally, some form of sporting achievements for the emo kids.
That shall keep them from whining and getting all depressed.
I think my subsequent post would be on emo-kids.
I figured how to dress like them, act like them, speak like them and even listen to the music they listen to..
Maybe i should become one for a day. Ha
Public shaming on the school forum haha...
I'm almost ashamed to acknowledge that there are stupid people in school.
Maybe their sole purpose in life was to make us feel superior?
Like in your face, dude!
I never liked that guy anyway.
ethel: i dont get you. lol care to explain yourself? haha
brian: haha yeah of cz la. fall out boy leh! they pwn you so bad.
matt: awww... haha thats a mat for you :P ABC
mel: yup helloooooo :)
9:45:00 PM
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Happy Birthday to ME!!!
okay that sounded really pathetic.. HAH!
This goes out to all who wished me, wanted to wish me but did not have enough courage LOL?!,
or cleanly forgot.
I love you guys anyway:) muack!
My phone has been vibrating incessantly since 12am.
Brian started the vicious cycle and it continued throughout the day.
Went to Tampines Mall for brunch at Crystal Jade and i think the serving ladies must
have thought i had a vibrator in my jeans pocket.
My phone has been ringing incessantly throughout the day
so much so that i could sing the call tune of my phone backwards now!
never mind that its in Japanese
Support Indie music!
Support Fall Out Boy!
2am Wednesday, Channel 22
pop. : today your birthday right? lol
rise & *shinE The tale of the Preliminary Idea and I : ya... lol?
pop. : happy birthday!
rise & *shinE The tale of the Preliminary Idea and I : hahaha thank you
pop. : wahh good ah every labour day also your birthday
rise & *shinE The tale of the Preliminary Idea and I : good right heh
rise & *shinE The tale of the Preliminary Idea and I : macham like govt declare hol in lieu of my birthday so all can celebrate with me
pop. : yeah i also want
rise & *shinE The tale of the Preliminary Idea and I : crawl back into your mother's womb la!
pop. : thats scientifically impossible
pop. : because the placenta is no longer there
pop. : and the umbilical cord
rise & *shinE The tale of the Preliminary Idea and I : wahh starting some scientist argument here?
rise & *shinE The tale of the Preliminary Idea and I : ooooo i like intellectual conversations
rise & *shinE The tale of the Preliminary Idea and I : but this is getting nowhere
pop. : you started this dumb thing :[
rise & *shinE The tale of the Preliminary Idea and I : eh today my birthday lor!
pop. : wahh you damn smart hor
rise & *shinE The tale of the Preliminary Idea and I : but of cz... :D
pop. : zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
haha somehow i found that really funny.
study hard hor ah pui!
or u cant have my food anymore..
10:14:00 PM